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Seminar Gæsteforelæsning

19.03.2024   kl. 13:30 - 14:30

QM Research Seminar: Frontiers and Role of Quantum Mathematics in Quantum Physics and Quantum Software Development

Speaker: Kazuki Ikeda (Stony Brook University)


In this presentation, I will discuss the crucial role of quantum mathematics in understanding quantum many-body systems such as nuclear physics and condensed matter physics. I will also introduce the frontiers of quantum software development and system integration necessary to realize efficient quantum simulations. In particular, I will discuss quantum language development and the category theoretic construction of quantum compilers, and highlight the important and specific role that quantum mathematics plays in this field. Moreover I will introduce new interactions between algebraic geometry, quantum physics and quantum computation. This includes the novel construction of band theory on general Riemann surfaces, topological quantum computation, quantum error correction. Through my presentation, the audience will grasp the diverse applications and progress in Quantum Mathematics to solve various problems in modern QIST.