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Press intro

Participants: 6-20 researchers/administrative employees

Purpose: To give the group an introduction to the press, including how the press views the researchers, how to get through an interview situation well, what is crucial for getting in the press and how SDU colleagues can help talk about their research.

Duration: 2 hours

Content: The short media intro is a theoretical 'presentation' by an employee from SDU Kommunikation and possibly a communications officer from the relevant faculty. Based on an improving work, we give good advice to the research group to reach out more widely with their research and knowledge through the media. The format is dialogue-based, so it is more of a joint discussion than a presentation. The starting point is concrete examples from the participants' everyday life and professional field, and we will, among other things, into:

  • Target group and 'choice' of media
  • The journalist's POV: The expert role and a different view of the universities
  • Good advice for the interview - before, during and after
  • Cases

After the presentation, the goal is for the participants to gain a better understanding of what is suitable for a press story and how they get it told. Including how communication colleagues at SDU can help pass on the researchers' knowledge and results.

Registration: To be coordinated with SDU Kommunikation, write to

Please note that the presentation is only offered in Danish.

[This is a machine translation]

Last Updated 20.04.2023