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Daniel Anthony Howard, Magnus Værbak, Kristoffer Christensen, Nicolas Fatras, Bo Jørgensen and Zheng Ma attended Green Digitalization 2020 - Joint International Conference in Kolding Denmark

On the 10th of  November 2020,  Daniel Howard, Magnus Værbak, Kristoffer Christensen, Nicolas Fatras, Bo Jørgensen and Zheng Ma from CEI attended the Green Digitalization 2020 - Joint International Conference in Kolding Denmark. It's intended to see the latest advances of green digitalization within energy, the conference is organized by three of the leading research consortia in Denmark: CITIES - Centre for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems (in cities), DiCyPS - Center for Data-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems, and FED - Flexible Energy Denmark.

Please check more information on  GREEN DIGITALIZATION.

Editing was completed: 10.11.2020