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New employee Jan Corfixen Sørensen

New employee at Centre for Smart Energy Solutions Assistant Professor Jan Corfixen Sørensen

Jan has a PhD background in Software Engineering from The University of Southern Denmark where he also worked as a Post Doc.

Jan’s research will be a continuation of his PhD project “Identification and Resolution of Feature Interactions in Greenhouse Climate Control” which was motivated by the need to build intelligent greenhouse climate control systems that support composition of separate climate control strategies. Composing climate control systems from independently developed climate control strategies is however fragile to feature interactions that emerge when features interact through the systems environment in unexpected ways.

The focus of the PhD project was to develop a mechanism that permits independent climate control strategies to be combined together, in the same greenhouse control system, without interfering with each other. The goal was to develop an open greenhouse control system, implementing such a mechanism, to promote more intelligent climate control systems into greenhouse productions.

To integrate energy-intensive consumers as Prosumers in the smart grid, multiple independent software components must be assembled together to form an intelligent control system of the smart grid. In such a system setting, feature interactions between the software components will emerge. Hence, the mechanism developed during the PhD will be an important contribution in enabling energy-intensive consumers to become Prosumers.


Jan Corfixen Sørensen will be working on the project Smart Grid Ready energy and cost efficient control of supplemental lighting for ornamental nurseries

Editing was completed: 09.10.2013