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About the Centre of Maritime Health and Society (CMSS)

The Centre of Maritime Health and Society (CMSS) is a research unit of the University of Southern Denmark. CMSS provides research and documentation that can help to optimize working environment, occupational health and safety and environmental economics in relation to The Blue Denmark. The Centre was established in 1992 and is situated in Esbjerg. At present CMSS has a multidisciplinary staff with various backgrounds within health sciences, social science and technology.

In 2011 the Centre of Maritime Research and Innovation under the Department of Environmental and Business Economics and the Centre of Maritime Health and Safety were joined; the merge strengthens and promotes the synergies between the two research fields.

In 2022 CMSS has a funding from the Danish state amounting to 4.1 million DKK. In addition, external funding is applied for in strong competition with Danish as well as foreign research institutions.

Read about CMSS' advisory board here

Strategy 2020-2024

Read our 2020-2024 strategy.

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Last Updated 17.07.2024