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Elite Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment (CUHRE)

 January 29, 11-13
Academic text: Excerpt from Live Work Work Work Die (2018) by Corey Pein
Fiction: The novella “Soylent Green is People,” from Solarpunk: Ecological and Fantastical Stories in a Sustainable World (2012/2018)

March 6, 10-12 (note the different timeslot)
Academic text: Cymene Howe, Jeff Diamanti & Amelia Moore, “Introduction” in Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions (2023)
Fiction: A. C. Wise, “A Catalogue of Sunlight at the End of the World” (Link: "A Catalogue...")

April 15, 11-13
Academic text: Excerpt from Paul Bogard (ed.), Solastalgia (2023)
Fiction: Solastalgia (2022), film by Mariana Hufnagel (if possible)

May 24, 11-13
Academic text: to be decided
Fiction: to be decided

Previous events


- 11/12: ”How We Plug In” fra Bill Gates’ How To Avoid a Climate Disaster (2021) & engelske uddrag fra Ask Katzeffs Befri fremtiden (2021).

Last Updated 27.11.2024