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About DaCHE

At DaCHE we study citizens', patients' and health professionals' behaviour and preferences. We evaluate policies that may affect these agents' behaviours and we generate input to priority discussions and policy debates by establishing evidence of both cost and effect implications of specific health service policies.


We apply the most appropriate methods to address our research questions. Our preferred methods are register analysis, surveys (including stated preference methods) and experiments (in the field and in the laboratory). Our main research themes are:

  • Behaviour, incentives and motivation
  • Equity in health and in access to health care
  • Patients' and the publics' preferences and values
  • Effect evaluation of health interventions

Current central study areas are: general practice, health systems, population health, priority setting, mental health and diabetes. Go to Research Themes or Current Study Areas to learn more.


We offer courses at the bachelor and master level in Health Economics, Evaluation, Economic Evaluation, Economics of Prevention, Pharmacoeconomics, and Methods of Evaluation.

Last Updated 09.05.2024