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Centre for Cold War Studies

Articles and news

On this page you can find links to articles and news from the Mediterranean by the MCIS


Upcoming conference: "Intelligence in the Mediterranean and the Balkans" will be the theme of the 2013 Annual Conference of the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA) and the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS).

For more info, please visit:

Call for papers:

IIHA web site:

RIEAS web site:




  • Leo S. F. Lin, "Conceptualizing Transnational Organized Crime in East Asia in the Era of Globalization: Taiwan’s Perspective", RIEAS: Research Paper, No. 146, (October 2010).
  • Elisa Bertacin, "Civil-Military Cooperation: approaches, policies and doctrines".
  • John M. Nomikos, "European Union Intelligence Cooperation: A Greek Approach", European Business Review (October 2010).
  • "A Look at Jihadists Suicide Fatwas: The Case of Algeria", by Nico Prucha (Affiliated Researcher at the Austrian Institute for International Affairs - OIIP, Ph.D. Candidate University of Vienna)
  • "Privatization of Intelligence: Turning National Security into Business?", by Dr. Andrew Liaropoulos (RIEAS Senior Analyst and Lecturer in Piraeus University) and Dr. Ioannis Konstantopoulos (RIEAS Research Associate and Lecturer in Piraeus University).
  • "The Use of OSINT in the Mandate for Electoral Communication of the Political Intelligence Consultants" by Claudia Cristescu
  • "Being hard on soft Power" by Andrew Liaropoulos, RIEAS Senior Analyst, 2011.
  • Last Updated 16.08.2016