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Research unit of OPEN - Open Patient data Explorative Network

OUH's cold store will be closed down 25 February till 29 March 2015

OUH's cold store needs to close down completely for the delivery of samples both in and out of the cold store for the period of Wednesday week 9 till Friday week 13 (including both 25 February and 29 March). For OPEN biobanks this means that samples cannot be delivered from OUH's cold store in this period of time. Delivery to OPEN's biobanks are not affected, since these samples can be stored in local freezer facilities until OUH's cold store is able to receive the samplers. 

The close down is due to necessary repairs. There are planned no further closures after this. All samples will be kept frozen as usual, thus no access is possible.

The close down is also for the -135 degree storage rooms.

Therefore it is important that all departments plan and order their deliveries, so there will not occur a bottleneck at OUH cold store up till the closure in week 9.


Editing was completed: 18.02.2015