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Honorary Doctorate

QM research collaborator receives honorary doctorate from SDU

In the fall of 2023, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA) and University of Southern Denmark (SDU) awarded Professor Maxim Kontsevich with an honorary doctorate

By Louise Damkjær, , 10/30/2023

The honorary doctorate was awarded to acknowledge his world-class research within geometric aspects of mathematical physics and was given at the Annual University Celebration at SDU.

Maxim is Professor of Mathematics at the Institute des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES).  
One of Professor Kontsevich's most distinguished achievements is the 1998 Fields Medal, a recognition that parallels the prestige of a Nobel Prize in the realm of mathematics. His extensive contributions to the field have earned him membership in the French and European Academies, as well as the National Academy of Sciences.

Congratulations to you, Maxim, and to Centre for Quantum Mathematics (QM) who has created a magnetic, academic environment within the quantum research field.

Maxim Kontsevich

Maxim Kontsevich


Maxim Kontsevich & Centre for Quantum Mathematics

Kontsevich is also involved in the ERC synergy project ReNewQuantum which i coordinated here from QM and led by QM director Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen.

About ReNewQuantum

Editing was completed: 30.10.2023