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PhD - fully funded

SCC expects to be able to offer a fully funded PhD in isolated cases, where SCC funds one half and an external partner outside SDU has offered SCC to fund the other half. In such cases, it will be announced on SCC's website. 

Fully funded PhD's  can be applied for by a cross-faculty research team (minimum two researchers). Thus candidates for a PhD fellow cannot apply themselves, only researchers employed at SDU can apply.

In order to comply with SCC’s demand for interdisciplinarity, the PhD student will be associated with a principal supervisor at one faculty and a co-supervisor at another faculty. The PhD student will be affiliated to SCC.

Allocation of instruments

Applications are assessed by SCC's Strategic Grants Council, and decisions on rejections and acceptance are communicated in writing. In case of rejection, a brief explanation follows.

An approval will be followed up by an orientation meeting regarding finances, reporting and cooperation with SDU Climate Cluster.


SCC must receive an annual reporting on the progress and results of the project. At the termination of the project, a brief evaluation (approx. 1 page) must be worked out repeating the project idea and describing the results of the project, publications, if any, presentations and how to proceed with the results of the project and the continued financing of it.

Cooperation with SDU Climate Cluster

A brief description of the PhD project and the contact information on the SCC website will be worked out in a cooperation between SCC and the research team behind the approved applications.

During the project period of the PhD project, the SCC secretariat will have a dialogue with the project team and the PhD student about potential communicative activities. The PhD student will be affiliated to SCC and is expected to participate in a series of SCC-activities.

Previous fully funded PhD position

In a cooperation with the Region of Southern Denmark, SCC offered a fully financed PhD position within the theme “Green transition of the healthcare system in the Region of Southern Denmark”. Deadline was 1 November 2022.

Read more about the PhD position

Last Updated 10.08.2023