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14 million to intelligent drones

Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid from SDU UAS Center has just received DKK 14 million from the Innovation Fund Denmark for the project, Drones for Energy

Overhead power lines should be inspected by intelligent drones that can identify faults on the wires on their own and upload energy from the high voltage cables when the battery goes flat. This will greatly reduce costs for electricity companies and ensure an even more stable power supply.

Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid from SDU UAS Center has just received DKK 14 million from the Innovation Fund Denmark for the project, Drones for Energy. Together with other partners, he is responsible for developing the drone technology which companies can ultimately create a groundbreaking new business out of selling.

Read article "14 million to intelligent drones"

Research project Drones for Energy

Articles on Drones for Energy (in Danish):

Drones will ensure cheaper power

14 mio. kr. to drone research: SDU will ensure cheaper power

Drones will inspect powerlines: Could this mean cheaper energy?

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Editing was completed: 01.11.2018