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What we do

Our vision is to foster (inter-)cultural competences among global citizens (students, employees, managers) that fit the complexity of today’s societies and markets.


Our mission is to support the acquisition and assessment of (inter)cultural competences with our research and teaching. To this end, the platform brings together perspectives rooted in international business, communication, psychology, sociology and anthropology and translates these into solutions for societal and international business challenges (e.g. communication, negotiation, recruitment, teamwork, multicultural co-existence, marketing).


The platform, therewith, has three main objectives:



Fostering collaborative research on (inter-) cultural competences between different research groups, departments and faculties


Strengthening (inter-)cultural competences of students
and employees (e.g., by state-of-the art education and recruitment


Disseminating knowledge and expertise on (inter-)cultural competences to a wider audience (e.g., business partners, interested public)



Last Updated 05.04.2018