Research Topics
The group is open to any research methodology and refrains from indicating an epistemological or ontological view on how organisational cognition should be studied.
The Research Group: Computational & Organisational Cognition (CORG) aims at studying cognitive aspects in and around organisations.
Research Topics
The group is open to any research methodology and refrains from indicating an epistemological or ontological view on how organisational cognition should be studied.
Seminars & Conferences
Computational & Organisational Cognition is an entity that focuses almost exclusively on research in the three areas of competence.
Research Profile
The Research Group: Computational & Organisational Cognition (CORG) aims at studying cognitive aspects in and around organisations.
CORG Talks
'CORG Talks' are discussions about a recently published or submitted paper that serve as a basis to outline research ideas, proposals, and directions.
See the list of all members at the Research Group: Computational & Organisational Cognition
Contact the Research Group: Computaional & Organisational Cognition