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Future Events

Sarah Bro Trasmundi to give a talk at the Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University

10:00-11:30, April 19, 2022

ACE-Lab Director Sarah Bro Trasmundi will be giving a talk on “imagination as an experiential tension or oscillation between different affective-cognitive states” at Aarhus University. Read more here.

Location: IMC meeting room, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, building 1483, room 312

Past Events

ENSO Seminar Presentation

February 10, 2022

ACE-Lab Director Sarah Bro Trasmundi gave the talk: “Human Cognitive Pacemakers: Beyond Functionlistic, Formalistic Analysis of Life” as a part of the ENSO Seminar series.
Read more about the presentation here.

First Online Symposium on Reading in a dialogical-embodied perspective

April 14-15, 2021

Keynote speakers

Visiting Professor: David Williamson Shaffer

Read more:

Open symposium by ACE-Lab: Engaging Skillful Cognitive Systems in Healthcare – Simulation Training and E-consultations

September 19, 2019, 14:00-18:00Location: U9, SDU Campus, Odense

Keynote speaker

  • Mads Solberg –“Debriefing as epistemic practice: conversational remembering and distributed metacognition in healthcare simulation”

For the programme and abstract, click here.

Third Symposium on Embodied Interaction – Gesture, Touch, and Embodied Meaning-making

June 11, 2019

Keynote speaker

  • Morana Alač – Cognitive Ethnography beyond Cognition

Second Symposium on Embodied Interaction – Gesture, Touch, and Embodied Meaning-making

June 26-28, 2018 | Supported by The Velux Foundations

Keynote speakers

  • Jürgen Streeck – Pandora's Touch
  • Dan Zahavi – Extended Minds and Shared Emotions

Last Updated 21.02.2024