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Narrative Medicine


The network will arrange one exploratory workshop in the Fall 2017 in Odense, followed by a workshop in the Spring 2018 in Lund and a workshop in the Fall 2018 in Oslo.
The workshops will:
-map out research and teaching activities within the field of narratives in medicine in the Nordic countries 
-investigate the link between literature, philosophy and medicine
-produce a number of articles, published in literary, philosophical and medical journals 
-prepare an application for a long-term funding





May 6-7, 2021 - Meeting in the Network Nordic Network for Narratives in Medicine with the topic: "Storytelling in the Arts of Narrative Medicine", Virtual!

 As we are still struggling with Covid-19, but still want to see and hear from you, we have chosen to arrange the postponed meeting from spring 2020 as a virtual meeting in the spring 2021. We invite you to join us for our next meeting in the Network May 6-May 7, 2021. The program from the postponed meeting is still valid. 


"Storytelling in the Arts of Narrative Medicine"

We will explore the multi-facetted way of telling a story within the context of health and illness. We understand the arts in a broad sense, for example but not exclusive to literature, paintings, sculptures, performing arts, museum objects, movies and tv-series.

Call for papers and registration

Please send abstract of max 200 words to Jeanette B L Knox ( by January 15th, 2021. Each presenter is allotted 10 minutes, followed by a 5 minute discussion.

We encourage presentations in one's native tongue. English is optional.


You can also participate in the conference without presenting. Sign up here: Helene Snede Andersen ( Participation in conference is free.

Deadline for registration without paper is April 1st 2021









CANCELLED: May 6-7, 2020 - Meeting in the Network Nordic Network for Narratives in Medicine with the topic: "Storytelling in the Arts of Narrative Medicine", Copenhagen
!!!(The conference is postponed due to COVID-19. The conference is moved to May/April 2021).

We will explore the multi-facetted way of telling a story within the context of health and illness. We understand the arts in a broad sense, for example but not exclusive to literature, paintings, sculptures, performing arts, museum objects, movies and tv-series.

Call for papers

Please send abstract of max 200 words to Jeanette B L Knox ( by February 1st, 2020. Each presenter is allotted 10 minutes, followed by a 5 minute discussion.

We encourage presentations in one's native tongue. English is optional.


You can also participate in the conference without presenting. Sign up here: Tine Riis Andersen ( Participation in conference is free.

Deadline for registration is April 1st 2020

Each participant will pay for his/her own transportation and accommodation. Suggestions as for hotel will be sent out in a later email.

The Network invites all members of the Network for dinner on May 6th and for lunch on May 7th. Deadline for registration is April 1st 2020. Please register with Tine (see above). Please indicate any allergies, vegetarian preference and whether you join us for dinner and/or lunch as we need to book a table/preorder.

The venue on day 1:

Museum Museion, Bredgade 62, 1260 Copenhagen K

The venue on day 2:

Center for Sundhed og Samfund (CSS), The University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5A, 1353 Copenhagen K



June 25-27, 202o: "Space, Place and Design in the Health Humanities"CHCI  Summer Institute in Odense, hosted by University of Southern Denmark.
!!!(The conference is postponed due to COVID-19. The conference is moved to June 2021).

We are happy to inform you that University of Southern Denmark is hosting CHCI Summer Institute 2020: "Space, Place and Design in the Medical and Health Humanities". 

The objective of this CHCI Summer Institute is to investigate the interplay between space, place, architecture and design on the one hand and an individualized and compassionate health care on the other hand. There will be two days with papers on the subject and an optional journey on the third day to the psychiatric hospital with a guided tour by the architect Christian Karlsson. 


Call for papers
We invite proposals for 15 minute papers (350-word abstracts), and for complete panels (350-word abstracts for each paper accompanied by a cover-letter describing the aims of the panel as a whole). All papers are subject to the vetting of the conference committee.

Deadline for paper proposals and complete panels: January 15, 2020.
Please send all proposals to Research Assistant Tine Riis Andersen ( All proposals must include your name, academic affiliation (if any), and preferred email address. Questions may be addressed to Associate Professor Anders Juhl Rasmussen (


See the full version of CFP

About CHCI





November 7-8 2019: "Facilitating Health Communication – Medical Practice and Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences", University of Southern Denmark.

We are delighted to announce that it is now possible to register for the conference. 


12th September 2019: Seminar "Narrative Medicine in Denmark" with professor Rita Charon (Columbia University) at University of Southern Denmark, Odense 

University of Southern Denmark has implemented narrative medicine as a mandatory course in undergraduate medical education and as an elective course in postgraduate health care education. This seminar examines and discusses the potential of narrative medicine – and medical humanities – in Denmark and elsewhere through a keynote lecture by professor Rita Charon from Columbia University and lectures by Danish professors from Odense and Copenhagen.

Deadline for registration august 12, 2019
Register here

Participation in the seminar is free of charge.



Next workshop in the network takes place at University of Oslo, February 27-28, 2019 

Please, see the Call for Paper and preliminary programme.

Hosts are Hilde Bondevik and Oddgeir Synnes







Välkommen till nätverksmöte för Nordic Network for Narratives and Medicine den 21–22 mars 2018 på Lunds universitet!

Vi välkomnar abstracts inom alla typer av ämnen med anknytning till narrativitet och medicin (jfr nätverkets hemsida) och efterfrågar särskilt paper som faller innanför en av dessa tre områden: 1) hälsopraktiknära perspektiv, 2) om uppbyggning av utbildning inom området, eller 3) teoretiska perspektiv.

Anmäl dig senast den 15 februari genom att skicka ett abstract omfattande max 200 ord till Tidsutrymmet för presentationen kommer att vara 20 minuter, och det är möjligt att anmäla sig också utan paper. Nätverket Nordic Network for Narratives in Medicine är öppet att ansluta sig till – skicka ett mejl till

Gästtalare på mötet är Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson (UKON), poet, psykolog och psykoterapeut, aktuell med boken Glömskans bibliotek. En essä om demens, vansinne och litteratur.

Deltagare står själva för resa och logi. Nätverket bjuder på middag 21 mars och lunch 22 mars. I ett senare mejl kommer tips om hotell.

Preliminärt schema
21 mars
• 13.00-13.10 Välkomsthälsning
• 13.10-15.00 Nordisk panel om narrativitet och medicin i praktiken
• 15.00-15.30 Fikapaus
• 15.30-16.00 Om medicinsk humaniora i Lund
• 16.00-18.00 Gästtalare Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson, ev. i samtal med en forskare.
• 19.30 Middag

22 mars

• 9.00-12.00 Parallella sessioner med papers
• 12.00-13.00 Lunch
• 13.00-14.00 Sessioner, övergripande diskussioner om nya samarbeten
• 14.00-15.00 Två gäster ger perspektiv på det narrativa från angränsande ämnen
• 15.00-15.30 Avslutning

Varmt välkommen!

Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox, Katarina Bernhardsson, Hilde Bondevik, Anders Juhl Rasmussen
Nordic Network for Narratives and Medicine:





4th October 2017: Public conversation with Professor Rita Charon (Columbia University) and Writer and Emeritus Professor David B. Morris (University of Virginia). Moderated by Niels Bohr Professor Rita Felski (University of Southern Denmark).
The public conversation was about narrative medicine and medical eros as two comparable strategies to counter or at least supplement the current predominance of biomedicine. Professor of Medicine Rita Charon coined the term “narrative medicine” around 2000, she is now the Executive Director of the Program of Narrative Medicine at Columbia, and in her publications (see her 2006/8 and the co-authored 2017 Oxford University book) she has made a strong argument about the need for “narrative knowledge” in the medical system. Likewise, Writer and Professor of English David B. Morris has argued in his new book, Eros and Illness, published by Harvard University Press that “medical logos” cannot stand alone in the healthcare system and should be accompanied by what he calls a “medical eros”. Both Charon and Morris use literature and art in order to recognize the deeply human needs of patients. 

4th October 2017: Additional activity for members of the Nordic Network for Narratives in Medicine
The steering committee of the Nordic Network for Narratives in Medicine and the coordinator presented themselves, and the vision of the network

was discussed.

5th October 2017: Seminar with Writer and Emeritus Professor David B. Morris (University of Virginia)
The seminar was about David B. Morris’ new book Eros and Illness (Harvard University Press, 2017).  Morris looks at myths, memoirs, paintings, performances, and narratives to understand how illness is intertwined with the things we value most dearly. Drawing on cultural resources from many centuries and media, the book reaches out a hand to guide us through the long night of illness.

5th October 2017: Additional activity for members of the Nordic Network for Narratives in Medicine

A session under the headline ”Narratives in medicine” opened by a keynote lecture by Rolf Ahlzén (the keynote lecture was showed via a link)  followed by short responses from Anders Juhl Rasmussen and Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox. The topic ”narratives in medicine” was discussed in small groups where everybody was invited to share their opinions on the topic. The session was closed with short presentations in plenum of the discussion in the groups and some concluding remarks from the steering committee.

Keynote lecture by Rolf Ahlzén.


Last Updated 21.02.2024