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The treatment of traumatised refugees with Sertraline versus Venlafaxine in combination with psychotherapy – a randomised clinical study


Charlotte Kærgaard Sonne


Background and goal: There is a lack of knowledge of efficient treatment approaches as well as predictors of treatment outcome for refugees with trauma-related mental health disorders. The present study therefore aims to produce new evidence within this field in order to optimise treatment for this patient group.

Methods: The study included 207 refugee patients referred to Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry (CTP) between April 2012 and September 2013. Patients were randomised into one of the two treatment groups: a Sertraline group (n=109) or a Venlafaxine group (n=98). Patients in both groups received the same manual based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The trial endpoints were PTSD-and depression symptoms and social functioning, all measured on validated ratings scales.

Furthermore the study examined the relation between expected outcome of treatment from a range of predictors and the relation to the treatment results for the individual patient.

Results: Will be publicly available in 2016.


Refugee, PTSD, depression, Venlafaxine, Sertraline

Start date and expected end date

01.12.2011 - 30.12.2015

Main supervisor

Ask Elklit


Jessica Carlsson, Per Bech, Erik Lykke Mortensen


Comptence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry (CTP)


Tryg Foundation (TrygFonden), Health Foundation (Helsefonden), Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark.

Last Updated 19.10.2023