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the 5th Meeting of the SDU Workshop on Applied Microeconomics

SDU Workshop on Applied Microeconomics

Welcome to the 5th Meeting of the SDU Workshop on Applied Microeconomics

Time: May 25, 2018
Place:  Odense, Denmark
Venue: University of Southern Denmark (SDU) room 77                

This annual workshop aims to bring together researchers investigating issues of relevance to current public policy. We invite submissions from all fields of applied microeconomics, including (but not restricted to): labor, health and development economics, economics of education, and demography.        

This year, one session will be devoted to topics related to “Health, Wealth and Inequality” and one session will be devoted to topics concerning “Health Shocks, Medical Innovations and Treatments.” Examples of suitable topics include:                                             

  • Health shocks, human capital accumulation and productivity
  • Evaluation of policy instruments targeting inequalities in health
  • The intergenerational transmission of health and wealth                                                                                                

The keynote speaker is Kjell Salvanes (Norwegian School of Economics).

Looking forward to seeing you in Odense!

Last Updated 20.12.2023