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Koststudier i Grønland

The Greenlandic diet has a great impact on the public health. It plays a significant role in the increasing prevalence of obesity, it has an important social and cultural function, and its content of n-3 fatty acids and pollutants has physiological effects. The project is a theme under the population surveys in Greenland 1993-2024.



The diet studies are multifaceted. There has been published articles on, among other things, dietary patterns, food insecurity, social determinants of diet, diet and cardiometabolic diseases, genetics and pollution. In regards to the latest and the upcoming population survey (in 2018 and 2024), articles on food insecurity and social conditions, dietary transition and motivation for dietary choices are planned.



The main data sources are food frequency questionnaires included in all population surveys since 1993 and other questions in the population surveys. With the main emphasis on The Population Survey in 2018, the methods are described in the SIF report Diet in Greenland from 2024.

Project period

The first diet-related article was published in 1996 and there has since been published continuously.


Steno Diabetes Center in Copenhagen and Nuuk.

University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology 

Last Updated 09.09.2024