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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

How do you avoid examination irregularities

How do you avoid examination irregularities?

SDU's expectations of you as a student

The university assumes that you as a student have autonomy in your work and that you have familiarized yourself with the rules of good academic practice. Therefore, you must educate yourself about the type of exam and the specific rules for the exam in each individual subject.

Overall, you must keep yourself informed about the traditions and rules of research ethics of your field of study, as these may vary from subject area to subject area – this also applies if the programme consists of a combination of several different subject areas.

If you are under pressure, e.g., for personal reasons, because of your student job or due to the study load etc., it is never a solution to cheat on the exam. Personal circumstances will generally not be regarded as a mitigating circumstance in an examination irregularity case. 

I need help - where do I turn?

If you are pressed for an exam due to special circumstances or unusual circumstances, you can apply to your study board for an exemption to either postpone or be deregistered from the exam. You can also be registered as absent owing to illness if you are sick. Read more here.

If you need to talk to a counsellor, you can contact one of the following:

The General Study Counselling (Studie- og Trivselsvejledning): When inquiries regarding your well-being at the study, etc. ( or by phone: +47 65 50 18 01 Monday and Wednesday 10am-12pm)

An academic adviser (faglig vejleder) or equivalent: For inquiries regarding the academic content and structure of the programme

SPS (Special Needs Support – SpecialPædagogisk Støtte): For support for students with dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc. as well as students with mental, physical and/or neurological impairments. 

Your lecturer: if you have questions and or doubts relating to a specific exam

If you have questions about how to write an assignment in an academically correct manner, you can contact the library at SDU, which can help you. The library at SDU also arranges courses on academic writing, among other things. Read more here.

You can also yourself read up on how to write academically on (stop plagiarism) or on information given by our own library here at SDU. 


Last Updated 07.02.2024