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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

PhD project: Growing up with an ill parent

A significant proportion of children grow up with a seriously ill parent. Every day challenges faced by these young people are often overlooked. The sparse research in this field shows that children and adolescents with seriously ill parents experience psychosocial problems such as stress, anxiety, loneliness, suicidal thoughts as well as headache, stomachache and other physical and mental symptoms of poor well-being. In the international literature there is a pronounced lack of representative studies that can contribute with knowledge about how the environment can ease the burden experienced by these young people. Therefore, we need to identify supportive environments in schools, organized leisure activities, peer groups and the health sector, that contribute to the well-being of young people with an ill parent.


The purpose is to identify which conditions in the environment contributes to the best quality of life and participation for young people aged 13- 19 years with a seriously ill parent. The environment includes the home, educational institution / school, leisure activities, hospital departments, the municipality, patient and interest organizations and the social networks of the young people (eg friends, neighbors, grandparents).


Maks. 100 ordThe Ph.D.-project will be based on data from a large representative survey among Danish 13-19-year-olds, conducted in October 2016 as part of the research project ‘Well-being despite’.

Project period



Egmont Fonden, Helsefonden and Liljeborgfonden.

Last Updated 19.03.2019