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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

Population survey in Greenland

The population surveys on health in Greenland provide an insight into the incidence and distribution of different risk factors for disease among the adult population. The studies allow for the follow-up of morbidity and health over time and can be used to measure the development of public health in Greenland and thus constitute an important platform for prevention initiatives. The survey is therefore important for monitoring the areas of action, which the Government of Greenland has chosen to prioritize in the Greenlandic public health program 'Inuuneritta II', namely: 1) Alcohol and hash; 2) Smoking; 3) Diet, and 4) Physical activity.

Currently three population surveys from 1993-1994, 1999-2001, 2005-2010 and 2014 have been conducted. In August 2017, the fifth population survey was initiated. Data collection cintinues until the beginning of 2019.

The population surveys focus on heart disease and diabetes, including risk factors such as diet, smoking, alcohol and physical activity. However, more sensitive topics included in the surveys are suicide behaviors, sexual assault and violence. Since 2018, the study has an increased focus on the elderly's functioning and the mental health of young people.

Last Updated 15.08.2023