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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

Quality of life in Nursing homes

When older people live in nursing homes, they are depending on the help of care workers in everyday life. While nursing home residents have different preferences and personal interests and social networks, they share the factor that some of their experience of quality of life relies on the structures and values of the nursing home as well as on the individual care workers and managers. There is a big difference between the physical surroundings and the possibilities of recruiting skilled staff for nursing homes in different places in Greenland.


The objective of this study is to explore how nursing home managers, care workers and nursing home residents perceive quality of life and work in practice to enhance the experience of a good life for the residents in Greenlandic nursing homes.


A total of 43 nursing home managers, care workers and nursing home residents representing 18 care nursing homes were interviewed about various topics including quality of life for the residents and values and resources in the nursing homes. Some of the residents were interviewed in groups while most of the interviews were individual.

Project period



Ministry of Social Affairs, Labour and Home Affairs

Last Updated 09.05.2023