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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

Postdoc Stine Kjær Wehner, MSc in Sports Science, PhD

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Public Health Science and a Master’s degree in Humanities and Social Sports Sciences. I carry out research into how we can promote the health and well-being of children and adolescents. I am particularly interested in how phenomena related to health and well-being are understood and experienced.

My PhD project included qualitative studies, in which I investigated the implementation of a major health-promoting initiative in upper secondary schools, with a special focus on the target group’s perspectives and experiences. I now bring this insight into Infant Health.

Together with the researchers behind the PUF programme and Infant Health, I am in the process of investigating the needs and expectations of health nurses and parents, whether the programme works as intended as well as parents’ experience of participating in Infant Health and the VIPP-PUF initiative.

Last Updated 21.03.2023