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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

Anna Paldam Folker

Head of Research, Professor

Phone: 6550 7860

Anna Paldam Folker is Head of Research and Head of the Department of Health and Social Context. The department is organised into four research groups that all deal with different aspects of social relationships and the importance of social factors for health. Anna has managerial experience from her former position as Head of Analysis in the Psychiatry Foundation and as a Marketing Officer in an international consulting firm. She worked for a number of years at the Danish Health Authority where she helped shape national initiatives on mental health, social inequality in health and public health ethics.  Anna holds a PhD in Ethics and Scientific Theory. Her research interests include social and structural factors in the mental health of the population and measures for people with mental health disorders. Anna is currently part of the HeQLa (Health and Quality of Life) research group in the Department of Medical Psychology at the University of Copenhagen, which studies the relationship between quality of life and illness. CV and Research Output