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Control systems for UAVs

Drone technology has enabled the ubiquity of flying robots assisting humans in missions of search & rescue, disaster response, and environmental monitoring. SDU UAS Center investigates the control of swarms and the construction of fault-tolerant systems to make these missions safe, cost-effective and improve our response time dramatically.


Swarm control

Our research in swarm control focuses on overcoming the current theoretical and practica l obstacles in drone swarms so that they can become reliable solutions to real-world needs. To reach this goal, we employ scientific methods at the cross-roads between theoretical computer science and control systems. In particular, we use tools from algebraic graph theory and complex network theory.


Fault-tolerant systems

Our research in fault-tolerant systems focuses on failure response, which is a critical component in autonomous flight. Faults may occur in the actuators, sensors, and power systems. We investigate methods to increase the safety and airworthiness of the drone by fault diagnosis using adaptive eXogenous Kalman filter and safe reconfiguration systems. Current applications include development of resilience UAVs for Arctic data acquisition and navigation.











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Agus Hasan, SDU UAS Center

Last Updated 13.03.2023