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UAS Robotics Integration

The Robotics research group at SDU UAS Center focuses on integration of robotic technologies to develop Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for use within areas such as agriculture and the healthcare domain. Key concerns in the deployment of UAS include safety, UAS Traffic Management (UTM), and legislation.


The design and integration of UAS relies on robotics disciplines, including selection of sensors, actuators, and flight controllers; integration of electronic systems in accordance with the overall requirements; programming of embedded real-time parts as well as high-level behaviours; and testing and validation of the proposed solution.

SDU UAS Center aims to demonstrate the real-world capabilities of drones in realistic scenarios. Key requirements addressed in our work are safety, reliability, and compliance with regulations. We use an incremental and iterative prototyping approach, allowing the drone system to be tailored to the specific application, thus increasing performance and reliability. COTS subcomponents are used where possible, thus accelerating development. This approach is currently used in the development of drone systems that can legally fly autonomous BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight), based on fail-safe backup systems for communication and control.


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Kjeld Jensen, SDU UAS Center

Last Updated 13.03.2023