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Gæsteforelæsning Foredrag

07.09.2022   kl. 11:15 - 12:15

Thomas Palaima on Bob Dylan

Open for all - Prof. Thomas Palaima visits SDU for a Guest Lecture about Bob Dylan

Dylan as a ‘poet of feeling’
How his world view and artistry developed around feeling, an acutely sensitive exploration of the other, and how the empathy and sympathy and curiosity evident in his music continues to influence us individually/personally and as social creatures.

Thomas Palaima, professor in Aegean scripts & prehistory and Dylanology, is visiting SDU from the University of Texas at Austin.

This lecture takes place at the DIAS auditorium. The lecture will be livestreamed on our YouTube Channel

Dylan as a ‘poet of feeling’
How his world view and artistry developed around feeling, an acutely sensitive exploration of the other, and how the empathy and sympathy and curiosity evident in his music continues to influence us individually/personally and as social creatures.

This lecture takes place at the DIAS auditorium. The lecture will be livestreamed on our YouTube Channel