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Zach Gerhart Hines

Associate Professor
NNF Center for Basic Metabolic Research - Nutrient and Metabolite Sensing, University of Copenhagen

Phone: +45 60670682

Zach Gerhart-Hines obtained his PhD from the lab of Pere Puigserver, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, US where he focused on nutrient and hormonal control of skeletal muscle and brown adipocyte metabolism. During his postdoctoral training with Mitchell Lazar at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US, he developed strong expertise in adipose biology and metabolic phenotyping and discovered that the molecular clock controlled thermogenic fat activity. He established his independent group at the University of Copenhagen in 2014. He is supported by the Danish Research Council (Sapere Aude Starting Grant), the European Research Council (Starting Grant), and NNF (Pre-seed grant).
