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Center for War Studies

Rasmus Glenthøj

Associate Professor
Department of History

Phone: +45 65 50 33 54

Research areas

Period: 1648-1914

Geography: Scandinavia and Europe

Topics: Nationalism, patriotism, war, democratization, constitutional monarchy, absolutism, political history, diplomacy, political culture, historiography, and the politics of history


Selected publications 

Books and edited volumes

R. Glenthøj & M. Ottosen: Scandinavia and Bismarck, Palgrave Macmillan, in press ultimo 2023.


R. Glenthøj & M. Ottosen: Scandinavia after Napoleon, Palgrave Macmillan, in press, ultimo 2023.


Rasmus Glenthøj & Morten N. Ottosen: Union eller undergang. Kampen for et forenet Skandinavien, in Danish (Gads Forlag, 2021), Norwegian (SAP, 2021), and in Swedish (Historiska Media, 2022)


Sissel Bjerrum Fossat, Rasmus Glenthøj & Lone Kølle Martinsen (eds.): Konfliktzone Danmark. Stridende fortællinger om dansk historie, Gads Forlag 2018.


Articles and Book Chapters 

R. Glenthøj: ”High Tide of Political Scandinavianism”, R. Hemstad & P. Stadius (eds.): Pan-nationalisms, a Reappraisal: Nordic Experiences in Comparison, 1840–1940, Routledge 2023 (in press).


R. Glenthøj: ”War Aims: Scandinavia”, M. Broers & P. Dwyer (eds.): The Cambridge History of the Napoleonic Wars, vol. 1, Cambridge University Press 2022.


R. Glenthøj: ” The National Past as a Zone of Conflict in Danish History”, S. Krogh, K.L. Grand & T.J. Mednick (eds.): Culture and Conflict. Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800–1930, Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2022.


Rasmus Glenthøj: ”Pan-Scandinavism and the threshold principle?”, Michael Broers & Ambrogio Caiani (eds.): A History of the European Restorations: Governments, States and Monarchy, Bloomsbury Academic 2020.



LinkedIn: Rasmus Glenthøj