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Päivi Törmä

Aalto University, Finland

Päivi Törmä is a professor at the Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Finland. Her research ranges from theoretical quantum many-body physics to experiments in nanophotonics. Her theory work has revealed a new connection between quantum geometry and superconductivity that explains why flat bands can carry supercurrent. In her experiments, Törmä has worked on strong coupling of surface plasmon polariton modes and molecules, and her group has realized lasing and Bose-Einstein condensation phenomena in plasmonic nanoparticle arrays. Törmä has a PhD from the University of Helsinki. She obtained the EURYI award in 2005, the ERC Advanced Grant in 2013, and the Academy Professorship of the Academy of Finland in 2017. She led the Nanoscience Centre of University of Jyväskylä 2002-2005 and the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Computational Nanoscience 2014-2017 and was a guest professor at ETH Zürich in 2015. In 2021, Törmä was elected as a member of the Academia Europaea.  

Törmä Päivi