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Inaugural Lecture of Magnus Söderberg

Do social scientists need to study energy markets? …. or is it enough to let engineers do that?

As the Head of Energy Management Research Centre (EMC) at Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg, Professor Magnus Söderberg held his inaugural lecture.


Here is one of the interesting perspectives from the inaugural lecture:

" In a Special Report published by Science Business in 2014, the editor Gail Edmondson asked the question: “Can innovation bring the answers – can it lay the foundation for energy security, affordability and sustainability?” The question is well deserved since it is no secret that very promising engineering and natural science inventions sometimes fail in the market. For example, why does not a brilliant idea like car-sharing become a hit? It reduces both the long-term cost for the user and the environmental pressure. Yet, the market share is below 5 % in all developed countries. The explanation is that, while car-sharing solves some problems, it also introduces new ones and it takes a very deep understanding of customer demand and motivations to over-come these new problems. However, the most fundamental reason is that people like to own their cars."


Read more about Professor Magnus Söderberg and his ambitions here. 

And more about the Energy Management Research Centre (EMC) here.


Best Regards,

Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg


Editing was completed: 23.11.2017