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Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Tax Identification Number – TIN

If you will not be residing in Denmark during parts or your entire employment with SDU, you must report your foreign TIN to SDU.
This also means that if you will be posted outside of Denmark during your employment, you are also required to report your TIN.

What is TIN?
TIN stands for Tax Identification Number. It is equivalent to the Danish CPR number or Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer in Germany.

OECD has created an overview explaining each country’s name and rules regarding a TIN-no.

The TIN is issued by the country of residence and must be obtained by you, the employee, to pass on to SDU.

Why must I report my TIN?
In November 2023, the Danish Tax Agency (Skattestyrelsen) and the Danish Agency for Public Finance and Management (Økonomistyrelsen) announced that from 1 January, 2024, the State’s Salary System (Statens Lønløsning), and thus SDU, must report TIN for all foreign-resident wage and pension recipients.
Employees that are not registered with an address in Denmark are considered foreign residents and must therefore report their TIN.

No TIN – No salary
It will not be possible for the SDU salary administrations office to process your salary until the TIN is not reported. The Danish Tax Administration is required to send information to your country of residence, which is linked with your TIN. The State’s Salary System will therefore automatically stop the salary processes if the TIN report is incomplete.

How do I report my TIN-no.?
If you have not reported your TIN when filling out the personal data form, you must report it manually.

The TIN shall be reported directly to the SDU salary administrations office (SDU Løn) via e-mail to with the subject “Faculty – Reporting of TIN no. – name of employee”
E.g.: “NAT – Reporting of TIN no. – Jane Doe”

Emails sent internally (between email-addresses ending with are always encrypted and secure. Go to Dataprotection and information security at SDU for more information.

Last Updated 18.03.2024