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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

I get data from my supervisor

When you get data from your supervisor, there are a number of things you need to consider. Below you will find a checklist of things that you at the very least should relate to.

If you receive data from your supervisor/lecturer for use in your assignment/project, please ask your supervisor to contact SDU RIO. This is to ensure that you and SDU comply with the data protection rules.

There are various requirements for the handling and storage of personal data. This must be done in a reassuring manner – with an appropriate level of security and privacy protection. This means that, for example, you are not allowed to store personal data in your bag or in your Dropbox. Some systems are more secure than others. You can contact SDU IT for help choosing a secure storage solution. 

You can find an overview of systems you can use for processing and storing personal data here. 

You may find that a Secure Server solution (S4) is the most appropriate in your case. This particularly concerns students enrolled at the Faculty of Health Sciences, but can also apply to others. Talk to your supervisor about this. 

You have related to the deletion of data as part of the plan you laid out for collection, treatment etc. of persons. You must ensure that data is deleted when you no longer need it or when the project is completed.

Security breach

Has data fallen intro unauthorized hands? Have you lost them See what you need to do here.

See here

Last Updated 07.02.2024