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Pieter Vanhuysse to speak at prestigious demography policy conference [available for streaming]

As populations age and have lower fertility, fiscal sustainability and societal reproduction may become harder to maintain. Do we need to boost the intergenerational social contract in our aging Europe? Professor and DIAS Senior Fellow Pieter Vanhuysse will share his perspectives directly with the policymaking world.

Friday 3 May, 11-12 CEST, Pieter Vanhuysse will engage in a policy panel discussion at the conference Why Demography Matters. Population and Policy in the 21st Century, hosted by Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) and Population Europe.

Under the headline ‘Demography drives your future: From the European to national level’, the panel will address some of the challenges that come with demographic change. Here, Vanhuysse is joined by Arnstein Aassve, Professor in Demography at Bocconi University; Jörn Thießen, Head of Department at German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community; and Dubravka Šuica, The European Commission Vice-President for Demography and Democracy.

The entire conference is available for streaming.

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About the panel discussion Demography drives your future: From the European to national level

“European and national policy makers are concerned about population changes because of the socio-economic implications, for example, on pension systems, public services, healthcare, labour markets, and social and territorial cohesion. Addressing demographic change also requires well-designed policies with a focus on social investment, such as in early childhood education and care, family, migration and integration policies. While demographic change requires a cross-cutting policy approach, it is often divided horizontally between different ministries, and vertically between Europe, member states, regions, municipalities and local communities. How can a pan-European advisory mechanism be designed to help us better address these challenges and learn from each other – using a top-down or bottom-up approach?”

-Population Europe, 2024

Editing was completed: 01.05.2024