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About Talent Track

Realising the potential for world-class research

As part of the Faculty’s research strategy “Beyond the obvious”, the Talent Track is designed to provide the Faculty’s researchers with the opportunities to pursue their research ambitions for societal engagement, relevance, and impact. The initiative is designed to identify and acknowledge talented and ambitious researchers and support their original, world-class, and ground-breaking research.
Kristin B. Munksgaard, Vice-Dean for Strategic Development at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences on the Talent Track initiative:

- Intellectual curiosity is a main driver for co-creating knowledge for the benefit of society. With Talent Track, we support younger scholars with a potential beyond the obvious to boost their emerging career and excel in ground-breaking and transformative research. For talent to grow and flourish it needs seeding in a strong research environment. So even though our Talent Track is an investment in the development of the individual and extraordinary academic talent, it is also for the mutual benefit of the entire research environment at SDU BSS. And it contributes to our mission of addressing societal challenges by engaging in transdisciplinary knowledge creation.

An activity-based career booster

Talent Track Fellows will have individually tailored career plans made for them. Such plans will define distinct excellence objectives and measures to achieve them. Enrolled fellows are offered financial support from the Faculty as well as mentoring and coaching by senior excellent peers to help them achieve their career objectives. 

Talent Track Fellows

All researchers at the Faculty with a PhD age of two to eight years can apply for enrolment in the Talent Track. Enrolment requires an extraordinary academic profile that will be assessed on the merit of the applicant’s research track record. Applications are encouraged to relate to the Faculty’s three strategically selected areas of thought leadership: 1) Health and Welfare, 2) Sustainability and Climate, and 3) Digital Transformation of Society.
The Talent Track is open for applications once a year. An advisory board reviews applications and decides on new Talent Track enrolments.


Bringing together emerging career scholars

The Talent Track Fellows include both early-career scholars at the Faculty, who have applied specifically for enrolment in the Talent Track, as well as scholars recognised by external excellence programs or grants: Marie Curie Fellows (MSCA), Danish Institute of Advanced Studies Fellows (DIAS), ERC Starting, DFF Sapere Aude and Carlsberg Semper Ardens accelerate grant holders. Though more established, ERC Consolidator  grant holders are likewise offered participation in the Talent Track.
As a forum for networking and learning, the Talent Track will bring together these talented researchers to share and discuss research experiences and visions with each other as well as with relevant guest speakers from academia and society.

Are you curious to know more and perhaps apply for a fellowship yourself? You can contact Talent Track directly here:

Meet the Fellows

Meet the Excellence Fellows in the Talent Track and get an insight in their research interests, ambitions and projects.

Click here

Contact us

The Talent Track is directed and administered by Vice-Dean for Strategic Development Kristin B. Munksgaard and the Research Support Office. For more information, please contact Research Support Officer Beatrice Cucco.


Last Updated 16.05.2024