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Energy companies will get help for their businesses

The University of Southern Denmark’s new centre – The Energy Management Centre – will cooperate closely with companies in the energy sector to solve a number of challenges.

The energy sector is characterised by complex market structures and strict regulation. Another challenge lies in the fact that companies must be able to deliver and produce energy while customers, simultaneously, consume energy.

These are some of the issues which The Energy Management Centre at the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg will help the energy sector in handling.

The Centre is the first in Scandinavia to research into business aspects such as finance, strategy and management in relation to the energy sector. The aim is to develop a new business model as well as generate knowledge and value for the benefit of private companies and public authorities in Denmark and Europe.

- It is complex to run energy companies. Among other things, we will examine what decisions companies make when they determine prices or invest in networks and business development. Wrong investments affect the prices on power so that consumers either pay too little or too much, and this is a problem for all parties, says professor with special responsibilities Magnus Söderberg, who is head of the new centre.

Strengthening cooperation with the sector

He points out that there is a need for more knowledge on the energy market, both from a business and consumer perspective.

Therefore, the Centre's researchers will collaborate with companies on an ongoing basis to understand their challenges and find solutions for how best to handle them.

- We will intensify cooperation with companies such as Dong (which has just changed its name to Ørsted) and Syd Energi. Together, the ambition is to come up with a business model which the companies see a potential in. At the same time, we care about how customers consume energy, and how the market and the demand will be in ten years, says Magnus Söderberg.

Nine researchers are affiliated with the Centre, which falls under the purview of the Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics at the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg.

Read more about the Centre: The Energy Management Centre.

Further information:
Head of Centre and professor with special responsibilities Magnus Söderberg, Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark at

Editing was completed: 02.10.2017