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New members appointed to SAMF Think Tank

A new team has been set up for the faculty’s think tank, which serves as an internal strategic partner for the faculty management in relation to faculty-wide research initiatives.

By Marlene Jørgensen, , 7/7/2022

After the summer holiday, new forces stand ready to offer strategic advice to the faculty management.

It will take place in the faculty’s think tank, which saw the light of day two years ago and was established to challenge and qualify a number of faculty-wide research initiatives.

This, among other things, involves the work related to funding, annual reviews of the progress made in the faculty’s four interdisciplinary research clusters, and selection of the candidates to be enrolled in the Talent Track – a talent programme for young researchers with an extraordinary potential.

As Vice-Dean for Research Sten Rynning says about the composition of the new think tank team:

- The members are innovative and experienced researchers, who represent different disciplines from across the faculty. And this is exactly the strength of the think tank: that it works across research environments and draws upon some of the experienced senior profiles at the faculty. I am convinced that the new team will be strong and well-balanced, and that it will build on some of the positive experience from the first two years.

Here are the new members

Five new members will join SAMF Think Tank, while two of the current members will serve another term to ensure a certain degree of continuity. The members are appointed for a two-year period starting from 1. August 2022.

The new members are:

  • Anne-Mette Hjalager, Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management
  • Egon Noe, Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics
  • Karin Buhmann, Department of Law
  • Olivier Schmitt, Department of Political Science and Public Management
  • Patricia Wolf, Department of Business and Management

The members, who will serve another term are:

  • Annette Baudisch, Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics
  • Paul Sharp, Department of Economics

Off to a good start

The current chairman of SAMF Think Tank, Vice-Dean for Research Sten Rynning, will also soon pass on the torch to his successor, when he steps down as vice-dean in September and returns to his professorship.

- I would like to use this opportunity to thank the former think tank, which has contributed with important perspectives on the faculty’s new initiatives to stimulate excellence and interdisciplinary cooperation. The think tank itself is an expression of the plethora of ideas and collegiate spirit, which our faculty builds upon, says Sten Rynning.

Apart from the two re-elected members and the chairman, the former think tank members included Bent Ole Gram Mortensen, Birgitte Sloth, Brooks Kaiser, Kim Klyver, Klaus Petersen, Mette Præst Knudsen, Thorbjørn Knudsen, and Trine Flockhart.

The think tank meets three times a year to discuss current issues of relevance to the research domain. Its first task will be to select the new candidates that are to be enrolled in the Talent Track after the summer holiday.

Editing was completed: 07.07.2022