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Helle Hvilsted Nielsen appointed new professor of neurology with a focus on sclerosis

In the newly established clinical professorship at the Department of Clinical Research, SDU, Helle Hvilsted Nielsen will strengthen research into neuroinflammatory diseases, in which the immune system is involved in the development of disease in the brain, with a particular focus on multiple sclerosis.

By Tomas Homburg, , 2/27/2024

Helle Hvilsted Nielsen’s research group conducts research in both animal models and clinical trials with the aim of gaining more insight into the underlying disease mechanisms. This increases the possibility of preventing the diseases from occurring, but also for stopping the progression of the diseases and repairing the damage they cause to the nervous system.

Helle Hvilsted Nielsen graduated as a medical doctor in 2004 from SDU, where she also defended her PhD in neuroinflammation in 2010. Since 2015, she has been affiliated with the Department of Neurology at OUH as a specialist and since then as a consultant, heading the Sclerosis Clinic and the Neurological Outpatient Clinic, among others.

Helle Hvilsted Nielsen has been an associate professor at the Department of Molecular Medicine and the Department of Clinical Research, SDU, since 2017. Helle Hvilsted Nielsen lives in Odense with her partner and son.

Meet the researcher

Helle Hvilsted Nielsen will strengthen research into neuroinflammatory diseases, in which the immune system is involved in the development of disease in the brain, with a particular focus on multiple sclerosis.


Editing was completed: 27.02.2024