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We need environmental engineers to turn the tide

Massive climate challenges and scarce natural resources threaten our future. Therefore, we need environmental engineers to turn the tide– and this could be you. The programme provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the environmental consequences of our consumption. You will learn to design eco-friendly and eco-efficient solutions, which point in a green and future-oriented direction.

By choosing the M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark you will become a specialist in environmental system analysis, environment and resource efficiency of systems, products and technologies and your job profile will be the environmental expert in the creation of new and more sustainable solutions in industry, consultancies, authorities or research institutions.

Read more about the structure of the study programme.  

Three core disciplines of Environmental Engineering

These three core disciplines are integrated in the study programme:

1. Understanding sustainability: Looking at global environmental challenges, the role of Design-for-Environment, strategies for mitigation of environmental impacts and resource depletion.

2. Environmental technology: Strategies and technologies for the management and treatment of wastewater and solid waste.

3. Eco-efficient Engineering: Methods and tools for analysing the environmental impacts of technologies, systems, products and processes and for creating eco-efficient solutions at all levels.

Project-based and research-based study environment 
You become part of a project based and problem based study environment where you work in project groups. You and your fellow students are responsible for planning and carrying out the project – and for meeting the deadlines. Usually we receive the project outlines from companies and we emphasise that the problems you solve are ‘real world’ problems.  In addition, individual in-company projects are encouraged and facilitated in the third semester.

Versatile career paths

With a master degree in Environmental Engineering you will have a range of job opportunities – in Denmark and abroad. The degree qualifies you for work in, for example,  corporate sustainability or as a consultant in environmental issues and waste management.

It is also possible to continue on a three-year research programme which will lead to a PhD degree. Another option is to study an industrial research programme which is carried out in close cooperation with a company where you are employed.

Graduates who have completed this master programme are entitled to use the title of Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering (Environmental Engineering). 
Read about the Danish education system.

Study opportunities abroad for SDU students

We encourage all environmental engineering students to study abroad for a minimum of one semester during their studies at SDU.

How can you satisfy our degree requirements while you are away?

We are very flexible about study plans for students who wish to study abroad because we want to encourage students to go. This means that we are flexible about approving courses at other universities as being equivalent to required SDU courses.

SDU has made bilateral student exchange agreements with many other universities worldwide in order to make it easier for you. The number of universities available is still growing. Please find more information here.

Meet Julie who studies Environmental Engineering

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