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SIVSCE - Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe

Mitgliederbindung in Sportvereinen – Ein akteurtheoretisches Analysemodell

Nagel, S.


Mitgliederbindung in Sportvereinen – Ein akteurtheoretisches Analysemodell. Commitment of Members in Sport Clubs – A Model Based on the General Theory of Action.

A model based on Esser’s general theory of action has been developed in order to analyze the commitment of members of sports clubs. The question asked is an issue of sports club mem-bers’ commitments whether they decide to quit or continue the membership. The risk of mem-bers leaving the clubs is illustrated with regard to the subjective expectations and evaluations of members and their personal integration into the sports clubs. Hypotheses derived from the model were proven empirically and confirmed on the basis of two questionnaires among sports club members of 20 and 14 chosen sports clubs (N = 1 238 and N = 975) respectively. Results showed a positive correlation between the factors of emotional and social involvement (e.g. closeness, identification) and satisfaction of sports clubs’ offers and members’ commitments. Younger club members leave their sports clubs sooner than older participants. The effect of being socially involved is more important than the effects of satisfaction and age. If members are more socially involved it is very unlikely that they will leave their clubs. 

Full reference
Nagel, S. (2006). Mitgliederbindung in Sportvereinen – Ein akteurtheoretisches Analysemodell. Commitment of Members in Sport Clubs – A Model Based on the General Theory of Action. Sport und Gesellschaft – Sport and Society, 3, 33-56.

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Last Updated 19.10.2023