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SIVSCE - Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe

A collection of sports policies in all of the participating countries



Work package 1

 The collection of information will focus on the parts of sports policies and the historical roots of the voluntary sector that are most relevant to sports clubs:

  • The constitutional rights pursuant to the constitution and other legislation.
  • The political goals for public support to sports clubs and sports organisations on the central (national) as well as decentralized (municipal) level.
  • Economic funding from public authorities (direct or indirect, for example the right to use public sports facilities without charge, which exists in several countries).
  • The demands from the public authorities when a club receives public funding, uses facilities, etc. Eg. requirements to the goals of the clubs, the activities and target groups, how the clubs are organised, the methods and educational principles, the qualifications of the leaders and trainers, and how the clubs use the money from the public authorities.
  • The historical roots and development of sports clubs.

This part of the project is carried out in five stages.

  • In the first stage, a draft schema for the requested information, documents, etc. will be developed by the WP leader.
  • In the second stage, the schema will be discussed and qualified at the first meeting for the partners involved in the project, after which the final schema is developed.
  • In the third stage, the partners will collect the requested information and send it to the WP leader.
  • In the fourth stage the WP leader is responsible for analysing the information received in cooperation with the coordinator and leader of the project.
  • In the fifth stage the analyses of the information will be applied in the overall analysis.

WP 1 is a prerequisite for the analysis of the impact of various sports policies and historical roots on social inclusion and volunteering in sports clubs.

This WP is implemented from January 1st 2015 to December 31st 2015.

The total budgeted expenditure for this WP is 35,000 Euro (not including expenses for management, coordination, meetings, seminars, etc..) which is equivalent to 5 percent of the total budget.

The success criteria (measurable indicators) for this WP are:
a) The requested data on sports policies is obtained from all participating countries (end of July 2015).
b) Differences and similarities in policies in this area are analysed. This results in a report of approximately 50 pages (end of December 2015).

Last Updated 19.10.2023