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SIVSCE - Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe

Freiwilliges Engagement im Sportverein ist Ehrensache!


Schlesinger, T. & Nagel, S.


„Freiwilliges Engagement im Sportverein ist Ehrensache!“ - Ein Modell zur Analyse der Mitarbeitsentscheidungen in Sportvereinen. “Volunteering in sports clubs as a matter of honor”: Analyzing volunteer decisions in sports Clubs.

Economic approaches, with their reliance on utility maximization models, have been unable to precisely explain the decision-making behavior observed in volunteer work for sports clubs. Esser’s “frame selection approach,” with its objective of providing an integrated methodology, offers a promising possibility to close important gaps in explaining this behavior. In this article, we modelled volunteer work by sports club members as a decision between the alternatives of reflecting on termination of volunteer participation, on the one hand, and of unreflectively continuing participation, on the other hand. The risk of termination was formalized taking various model parameters into account, such as specific involvement in the sports club, subjective analysis of cost-benefit ratios, and the utility of possible alternatives. Furthermore, we used the model to illustrate that rational decisions may involve other rationality assumptions than those stemming from the tradition of the RC paradigm.

Full reference
Schlesinger, T. & Nagel, S. (2011). „Freiwilliges Engagement im Sportverein ist Ehrensache!“ - Ein Modell zur Analyse der Mitarbeitsentscheidungen in Sportvereinen. “Volunteering in sports clubs as a matter of honor”: Analyzing volunteer decisions in sports clubs. Sport und Gesellschaft – Sport and Society, 8 (1), 3-27. 

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Last Updated 19.10.2023