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SIVSCE - Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe


Egli, B., Schlesinger, T. & Nagel, S. (2014). Expectation-based types of volunteers in Swiss sports Clubs.

Nichols, G. (2017). Volunteering in Community Sports Associations: A Literature Review. Vountaristics Review, 2(1), 1-75.

Nichols, G., Holmes K., with Baum, T. (2013). Volunteering as leisure; leisure as volunteering. In T. Blackshaw ed. The Routledge International Handbook of Leisure Studies, London: Routledge. 456–467.

Nichols, G., Tacon, R. & Muir, A. (2013). Sports Clubs' Volunteers: Bonding in or Bridging out?

Nichols, G. & Ralston, R. (2012). The rewards of individual engagement in volunteering – a missing dimension of the Big Society

Nichols, G. & Ralston, R. (2011). Social inclusion through volunteering – a potential legacy of the 2012 Olympic Games

Schlesinger, T., Klenk, C. & Nagel, S. (2014). Freiwillige Mitarbeit im Sportverein. Analyse individueller Faktoren und organisationaler Entscheidungsprozesse. Zürich: Seismo Verlag.

Schlesinger, T., Klenk, C. & Nagel, S. (2014).How do sport clubs recruit volunteers? Analyzing and developing a typology of decision-making processes on recruiting volunteers in Sport Clubs.

Schlesinger, T., Egli, B. & Nagel, S. (2013). Bindung Ehrenamtlicher im Sportverein: Entwicklung eines Modells zur Analyse von Mitarbeitsentscheidungen. In H. Kempf (Hrsg.), Sport im Schatten der Wirtschaft (S. 141-156). Schorndorf: Hofmann.

Schlesinger, T., Egli B. & Nagel, S. (2013). “Continue or terminate?” Determinants of long-term volunteering in sports Clubs.

Schlesinger, T. & Nagel, S. (2013)“Who will volunteer?” Analysing individual and structural fac-tors of volunteering in Swiss sport Clubs.

Schlesinger, T. & Weigelt-Schlesinger, Y. (2013). “Coaching soccer is a man’s job!” – The influ-ence of gender stereotypes on structures for recruiting female coaches in soccer Clubs.

Schlesinger, T. & Nagel, S. (2011). „Freiwilliges Engagement im Sportverein ist Ehrensache!“ - Ein Modell zur Analyse der Mitarbeitsentscheidungen in Sportvereinen.

Veal, A. J.& Nichols, G. (2017) Volunteering and income inequality: cross-national relationships. Voluntas 28(1), 379–399.

Østerlund, K. (2012). Managing voluntary sport organizations to facilitate volunteer recruitment

Last Updated 19.10.2023