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SIVSCE - Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe

An online member survey conducted in 30 sports clubs within each of the participating countries



Work package 3

This survey provides the opportunity to differentiate members according to their level of social inclusion both within their respective sports clubs and in society as a whole, thus providing knowledge on how, and under which conditions, sports clubs foster social inclusion.

The questionnaire will include comparable questions in each country and for different types of clubs. The focus will be on relevant topics such as:

  • member participation in sports club democracy, social life and voluntary work,
  • indicators to the inclusion of members in society (e.g. connection to the labor market, the connection to social networks and social trust),
  • social and ethnical background of members, and
  • questions on disability.

This part of the project is implemented in five stages.

  • In the first stage, a draft questionnaire is developed by the WP leader.
  • In the second stage, the questionnaire will be discussed and qualified at the third meeting for the countries involved in the project, after which the final questionnaire is developed.
  • In the third stage, the questionnaire will be translated to each of the participating countries’ language. The representative from each of the participating countries is responsible for this. The same person is also responsible for the selection of clubs for the study (based on the guidelines for selection agreed upon by the partners), contact with these clubs, and for the collection of names and email addresses of members.
  • In the fourth stage, the online questionnaire is sent to members of the sports clubs, selected for the study. This is implemented by the institution in each country where the contact person / member of the partner group is employed. If this is not possible, this can be implemented by the University of Southern Denmark or the institution where the WP leader is employed. Two reminders are sent to the members that have not replied.
  • In the fifth stage all the answers from the members are assembled in one data file, after which the statistical analyses can be carried out.

WP 3 is a prerequisite for gaining knowledge on how the extent and nature of volunteering and social inclusion in sports clubs depend on various activities and structural conditions in the clubs.

This WP is implemented from May 1st 2015 to November 30th 2016.

As mentioned, WP 3 require a lot of working hours. This is reflected in the budget. The total budgeted expenditure for this WP is 124,000 Euro (not including expenses for management, coordination, meetings, seminars, etc..) which is equivalent to 17 percent of the total budget.

The success criteria (measurable indicators) for this WP are:
a) The development of a common questionnaire that is useful and meaningful in all the participating countries, despite cultural, linguistic and social differences (end of October 2015).
b) The implementation of the member survey in all the countries involved in the project (end of May 2016).
c) The achievement of an acceptable response rate: Between 20 and 50 percent depending on the capabilities and traditions of this type of study in the participating countries (end of June 2016).
d) The preparation of a separate report on a minimum of 100 pages (end of December 2016).

Last Updated 19.10.2023