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SIVSCE - Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe

Project Description



Project background and aim

 There is only a limited amount of knowledge on the political conditions for and structural characteristics of sports clubs that promote social inclusion and volunteering in sport. Most of the existing knowledge is, furthermore, context-specific tied to individual member states within the European Union.   

This project seeks to provide comparable knowledge across ten EU member states, convert it into concrete suggestions for action, and disseminate this knowledge to politicians and sports professionals in Europe. The main aim is to promote social inclusion and volunteering in sports clubs in Europe.

Introduction to the project (pdf)

Work packages

  • Work package 1: A collection of sports policies in all of the participating countries
  • Work package 2: An online sports club survey conducted in each of the participating countries
  • Work package 3: An online member survey conducted in 30 sports clubs within each of the participating countries
  • Work package 4: Overall analysis of the results of the three studies conducted in WP1, WP2 and WP3, with the aim to elucidate the organisational, political and cultural factors that promote and inhibit social inclusion and volunteering in sports clubs
  • Work package 5: Three examples of best practice are collected from each of the participating countries in relation to social inclusion and volunteering in sports clubs
  • Work package 6: Elaboration of a handbook with suggestions for sports policies, club management and the like, which can promote social inclusion and volunteering in sports clubs
  • Work package 7: A broad dissemination of findings and suggestions

Last Updated 19.10.2023