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Sprog og Læring

Elena Nicoladis på SDU

Center for Sprog og Læring får besøg af den internationalt anerkendte forsker inden for tosprogethed professor Elena Nicoladis, University of Alberta, Canada. I den forbindelse inviterer vi til foredrag om tosprogede børns sprogligtilegnelse.


Se hele Elena Nicoladis powerpoint præsentation fra foredraget.





Childhood bilingualism and usage-based theories


Usage-based (UB) theories posit that children acquire language through usage. Bilingual children hear each of their languages less often than monolingual children. UB theories therefore predict that bilingual children would lag behind monolingual children in each of their languages. In this talk, I will argue that there is, in fact, some evidence supporting that prediction. However, there is also evidence showing that bilingual children can sometimes be on par with monolingual children. Furthermore, bilingual children do not always lag behind monolinguals as much as one might expect. I argue that bilingual children can exploit some cognitive resources on some linguistic tasks. It is not clear how to incorporate the exploitation of cognitive resources into UB theories.              

Tid: Onsdag den 27. juni kl. 13-15

Sted: Syddansk Universitet, Campusvej 55 (lokale U77), 5230 Odense M

Pris: Gratis - ingen tilmelding


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Sidst opdateret: 01.01.2023