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FLASH researchers strongly represented at the International Liver Congress 2024

The FLASH team had a strong presence at the EASL Congress 2024, held from June 5 to June 8 in Milan, Italy. This event draws thousands of specialists who gather to share knowledge and explore the latest advancements in hepatology, all with the shared objective of enhancing patient care and community outcomes.

With great pride, the FLASH team was making a strong presence at the congress. We presented 10 posters, 2 top posters, 4 poster tours, and 4 oral presentations, offering valuable insights into various aspects of liver diseases. 
Notably, one of our research nurses, Helle Lindholm Schnefeld, had two oral presentations. She had a talk about the natural history and epidemiology of alcohol-related liver disease looking into country, gender, and ethnicity. She also presented results about socioeconomic disparities in liver disease. Furthermore, Mads Israelsen presented results regarding the highly dynamic steatotic liver disease classification impacting eligibility for clinical trials and subclass-specific interventions. Additionally, Johanne Kragh Hansen presented results on multi omic patterns across disease severity. 

The participation of the FLASH team at the EASL Congress emphasizes our dedication to advancing hepatology. Through our presentations and posters, we seek to disseminate knowledge, foster discussions, and collaborate with other specialists, all with the ultimate aim of enhancing patient care and community outcomes.
Editing was completed: 25.06.2024