Forår 2023
Ph.d.-kursus: Få øje på noget du ikke troede var muligt i din empiri - den 9.-10. maj 2023
Ph.d.-seminar: Grundlæggende elementer i universitetsundervisning
Academic Writing in English: A Workshop for Ph.D. Students in the Humanities
På vej seminar: Status og forårets aktiviteter (FFUM)
Ph.d.-kursus: Statistiske analyser i uddannelsesforskning
Round table discussion with coach Nina Nørgaard & Anne Gerdes
History and Social Theory Reflecting the macro-micro link
CfP - Ph.d.-kursus i Samtidshistorie
Ph.d. prøveforsvar ved Cæcilie Damgaard Ketil Hejl
Ph.d. prøveforsvar ved Lene Illum Skov
eScience workshop for PhD students and IDK researchers
Ph.d.-præsentationer i forskningsprogrammet Almendidaktik og fagdidaktik
PhD-Seminar: The cultural- and biopolitics of design for play
Ph.d.-workshop: Analysestrategi og kodning af kvalitative data
Research On and Into practice 2023
Seminar: Tema om post.doc.-ansøgninger
Work Retreat for the PhD school at HUM, SDU
På vej seminar, forår 2023 (FLÆK)
Work-in-progress seminarer (FLÆK)
Environments: Extinct, Envisioned, Evolving (E3) Ph.d.-seminar at Sandbjerg Estate
Efterår 2023
29. september 2023
11. oktober 2023
17. november 2023Sted:
Campus Odense
Tilmelding på mail til sekretær, Jeanet Dal på inden den 01.09.2023.
Ved tilmelding oplys venligst, fornavn, efternavn, mail, forskningsprogram, institut, universitet samt hvilket kursus du tilmelder dig.ECTS: 3 for deltagelse i alle 3 moduler. / 1 ECTS pr. modul
Generisk kursus, efterår 2023
"Becoming a researcher", 3 moduler
As a Ph.D. student, you are learning to become a researcher through a continual process that involves not only academic, but also personal and social development that continues even beyond the years of your Ph.D. project. Navigating through the expectations, culture, and social structures of the academic world and finding your place in it is full of rewards as well as challenges. This Ph.D. course aims both to give you strategies, practical advice and food for thought, as well as to provide opportunities to reflect on and discuss with others what becoming a researcher means for your identity, your emotions, and your socialization in the university context.
MODUL 1 - fredag, den 29. september 2023
Tid: 09:30 - 16:00
Lokale: Mødelokale Romeo
Your identity as a researcher, publication strategies, and careers in and beyond academia” by:
Associate Professor Laura Feldt, Professor Sune Vork Steffensen and Professor Anne-Marie Søndergaard ChristensenAcademic Identities, Peer Communities, and Publication Strategies
In the process of becoming a researcher, the PhD student is immersed in empirical work, in reading up on new subject areas, learning methods, and dissertation writing. But it is worth taking a step back to consider one’s academic identities, peer communities, and publication strategies: What is expected of the academic researcher? Is there more than one way of being a researcher, and more than one kind of career? Can writing publications ever be a normal job? How does one handle the academic work environment and the various professional roles and relations in academia? How does one navigate the identity-related and emotional work that academic work and publishing involve?
This workshop provides a framework for discussing identity, feedback processes, and strategic decisions in research. The aims are to give the participants 1) the opportunity to reflect on their own interests, career choices, roles, and identities; and 2) the opportunity to discuss academic publishing, journal reviews, peer review processes, and ways to navigate the social contexts of academic publishing.
The workshop combines short presentations, exercises, and discussions. Preparation for the participants before the workshop will consist of short readings (roughly 40 pp.).
- 9:30-11:00 Researcher Responsibilities and Academic Identities (Associate Professor Laura Feldt)
- 11:00-11:15 Break
- 11:15-12:30 Peer Feedback and Review in Academia (Professor Sune Vork Steffensen and Associate Professor Laura Feldt)
- 12:30-13:15 Lunch
- 13:15-14:45 Academic publishing between ethos and strategies (Professor Sune Vork Steffensen)
- 14:45-15:00 Break
- 15:00-15:45 Fields of Tension and Career Strategies in Publishing (Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen)
- 15:45-16:00 Wrap-Up
Brousseau, Kenneth R., Michael J. Driver, Kristina Eneroth and Rikard Larson (1996). “Career pandemonium: Realigning organizations and individuals,” Academy of Management Perspectives 10(4), 52-66. This text will be provided to participants who register.
Bloch, Charlotte. 2012. Passion and Paranoia. Emotions and the Culture of Emotions in Academia.
Chapter 5, “The Janus Face of the Peer Review.” The book is also required reading for Module 2. It is available in both Danish and English.
“How to get an article published in 20 easy steps”:
“Why go to conferences?”
“Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment.” (2022). European Union. This text will be provided to participants who register.
MODUL 2 - onsdag, den 11. oktober 2023
Tid: 09:30 - 16:00
Lokale: O96
Morning 9:00 - 12:30 Associate Professor Cindie Maagaard
Emotions and the Culture of Emotions in Academia
This module consists of a workshop and discussion based on the book Passion and Paranoia — Emotions and the Culture of Emotions in Academia by the sociologist Charlotte Bloch. In the book, Bloch presents her research on the positive and negative aspects of emotions in university life at all levels: the passion that drives academic inquiry and research, as well as the feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and competition that often arise precisely because researchers have so much invested emotionally in their work. The workshop will be led by Associate Professor Cindie Maagaard, Dept. of Language and Communication.
The workshop and discussion will focus on four chapters from Bloch’s book, which students need to read in advance. The book is available in Danish, and an English version is available for online reading through the university library.
Bloch, Charlotte. 2012. Passion and Paranoia. Emotions and the Culture of Emotions in Academia. Ashgate. Chapters 2, 3, 6 and 7.
Available in English online through the university library.
OR, in Danish:
Bloch, Charlotte. 2007. Passion og paranoia. Følelser og følelseskulturen i Akademia. Syddansk Universitetsforlag. Kapitel 2, 3, 6 og 7.
Afternoon 13:15 – 16.00 Em. Professor Ellen Krogh
Bildung Challenges for Ph.D Studies and Ph.D. Students
The aim of the workshop is to explore the relevance and meaning of Bildung as an aim of PhD education, both at a more general level and at the level of your individual PhD projects. I hope for a lively and fruitful session, making us all the wiser about contemporary challenges and opportunities of Bildung processes in PhD education.
To delve deeper into these issues, I need you to do a bit of reading as preparation for the workshop. As you will see from the program, each point of the agenda is tied to a text. I shall introduce these texts along the way, but to be able to participate in the exploration and discussion of the issues raised, you need to have read the texts.
Program for the afternoon
Introduction to workshop:
Presentation session, background and aims of the workshop.The classical notion of Bildung (cf. Hopmann 2007):
Discussion of its relevance for PhD educationCritical Reflections:
Bildung as a “gravitational force at the center of educational discourse” and the figures of thought associated with its cultural history (Horlacher 2016)Bildung as perspective, concretized as voice(Krogh 2020):
Exploring the relevance of a contemporary Bildung notion for your own PhD projectsLiterature:
Stefan T. Hopmann (2007). Restrained Teaching: the common core of Didaktik, pp 109-124, European Educational Research Journal, Volume 6, Number 2, 2007 doi: 10.2304/eerj.2007.6.2.109
[13 pages, excl. references]. This text is available electronically.Rebekka Horlacher (2016). Introduction. The Educated Subject and the German Concept of Bildung. A Comparative Cultural History. London and New York: Routledge. Pp 1-6
[6 pages]. This text will be provided to participants who register.Ellen Krogh (2020). Bildung and Literacy in Subject Danish: Changing L1 Education. In B. Green and P.O. Erixon, eds. Rethinking L1 education. Springer.
[15 pages, excl. references]. This text will be provided to participants who register.MODUL 3 - fredag den 17. november 2023
Tid: 09:30 - 16:00
Lokale: O96
Morning 9:00 - 12:30 Professor Anders Engberg Pedersen
Career Paths Within Academia
The path to becoming a researcher begins within the world of academia, and for many Ph.D. fellows, that path continues there. This module focuses on the opportunities and challenges of pursuing a career within university settings in a world in which internationalization, collaboration, and funding are increasingly important. Professor Anders Engberg-Pedersen will, on the basis of a long and fruitful career within academia, share experiences, information and advice about career choices and funding applications and will provide a forum for your own reflection and discussion about careers beyond the Ph.D.
Afternoon 13.15- 16.00 Career Consultant from DM Hanne Jensen
Workshop: Pursuing a career outside academia
Not everyone who completes a Ph.D. desires to continue with a university setting. But what opportunities are there beyond academia, how does one discover them and make the most of the competences and knowledge gained as a Ph.D. fellow? This workshop is concerned with pursuing career options outside academia: How to build a profile and a career strategy around a doctoral degree, and what alternative career paths are available for highly specialized academics.
The workshop will combine presentations and hands on-elements and it will be led by Consultant Hanne Jensen from the Danish organization DM for academics, DM.
The workshop is open to PhD students in Humanities, and it will require a bit of preparation (further information will be sent to participants in advance). It will be in Danish or English depending on participants.
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4 full-day seminars, September - November with preparation and homework
September 14 and 28
October 26 or October 27
November 9Place:
Campus Odense
Campus Kolding
Stadsarkivet and Pakhuset, KoldingRegistration:
By email to secretary, Jeanet Dal at mail
Deadline for registration:Before 4th of September, 2023- Registration is closed.
When registering please provide your full name, email address, affiliation and which course and dates you are signing up for.ECTS: 5
About the seminar
Citizen Science is the inclusion of contribution from and reciprocity with citizens in research. It is a set of research methods that weighs heavily on co-design and transverse communication skills and often includes big datasets and a democratic component. From Natural Sciences, Citizen science has spread across many other research disciplines in the past few years. It has been adopted by various societal actors including museums, archives, media, NGO’s, private companies, public schools and high schools and represents an opportunity for concrete research for and with society.
Citizen Science is a is a fast-growing field. It is a response to the increasing pressure on universities to justify their research investments and to explain benefits to citizens. Citizen Science can also be seen to counter the movements towards a post-factual society.
This course addresses PhD students from the Humanities and Social Sciences who like to explore opportunities of Citizen Science in their own research, or even want to plan for concrete citizen participation. You will learn innovative ways of engaging citizens in research – as data collectors, co-analysts and even policy co-developers. You will experience co-design methods in practice, design your own pilot project and build competencies with various methods that can potentially boost your research and make it more relevant to society.
The programme includes master classes and hands-on workshops with SDU lecturers and external guests, and it offers rich cases of Citizen Science within humanities and social sciences. Through home assignments and discussions with the lecturers you get to develop potential methods for your own research, and guage how citizen contributions may be valuable. Day 3 has two alternative programmes - choos on depending on your research. Or join both and earn 1 extra ECTS.
Thursday, September 14, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in meetingroom "Comenius", SDU, Campus Odense
Citizen Science opportunities – overview:
- Citizen Science theories & typologies
- Citizen studies & citizen portraits
- Project cases from humanities and social sciences
- Presentation of your PhD research and CS opportunities
Thursday, September 28, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in Stadsarkivet and Pakhuset, Kolding
Citizen engagement – deep dive:
- Co-design of citizen engagement & co-sensemaking
- Communication in Citizen Science
- Excursion to Kolding City Archives
- Presentation of your first citizen portrait
Two alternative days:
Choose one that best suits your research:Thursday, October 26, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in meetingroom "Comenius" SDU Odense
Digital engagement – scaling up with Bastian G Tzovaras:
- Scientific crowdsourcing in practice
- Online communities and platforms
- Hands-on work with platforms
- Presentation of your pilot workshop highlights
Friday, October 27, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in BIB teachingroom 1, SDU Odense
Public engagement – scaling up with Josep Perello:
- Large-scale public engagement in practice
- Accelerating grassroots initiatives
- Hands-on work with public engagement
- Presentation of your pilot workshop highlights
Thursday, November 9, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in "Gæstecaféen (K-61.01)" SDU, Campus Kolding
Citizen Science publication – data and perspectives:
- Publication of Citizen Science contributions
- FAIR data and Data processing
- Citizen Science and SDGs
- Presentation of your pilot study proposals
SDU researchers with Citizen Science experiences, colleagues from the Citizen Science Knowledge Center and guest lectures:
Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, senior lecturer with Alan Turing Institut in London
Josep Perelló, professor of physics with University of Barcelona
Lene Wul, city archivist with Kolding MunicipalityOrganisers
Jacob Buur, Department of Media, Design, Education and Cognition, SDU
Thomas Kaarsted, SDU Citizen Science Knowledge Center.Readings
Readings wil be provided after registration. If you are currious, check out the book "Citizen Science - Innovation in open science, society and policy" by Hecker et al. UCL Press.
By email to Secretary, Jeanet Dal at
Deadline for registration: Before 1st of September
When registering please provide your full name, email address, affiliation and which course and dates you are signing up for.Tilmeld dig her -
Module 1: 4. december 2023, 09:15-16:00
Module 2: 11. december 2023, 09:15-15:00
Place: SDU, Campus Odense
Price: Free
Registration: 20. november 2023
Link to the course-website with registration
The aim of this course is to substantiate the quality of the teaching and the educations at SDU.Target group
PhD students - teachers new to teaching (at SDU)Course content
The course is organized as workshops, where the participants will actively work with planning teaching sessions based on formulating learning objectives and applying and developing learning actives. The participants will be introduced to theories of learning and teaching and how to align learning objectives and learning activities. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to test some teaching skills through different exercises and activities during the course days.Participants must expect to spend time on some preparation before and between the course modules.
The participant will gain insights into curriculum planning, hereunder the use of constructive alignment and formulating learning objectives, and in addition be able to choose from and apply different learning activities.
The participant will be able to plan and conduct teaching session for both smaller and larger classes
The participant will be able to receive feedback and use it to further develop his/her teaching
After the course, the participant can:Knowledge
- identify learning theoretical approaches
- explain constructive alignment
- formulate learning objectives
- plan learning activities
- develop teaching based on received feedback
- identify and develop strengths and challenges as a teacher
Further information
This course is for PhD students only and may count for 2 ECTS points, if approved by your Faculty.
The course may NOT be included as an open course in the Lecturer Training Programme.In accordance with SDU's pedagogical competence profile (DK version - UK version ) this course corresponds to qualification level D.
Course frequency
This course is offered in both the spring and the autumn semesters.Please note: This course is taught in DANISH, plenary sessions and group work.
Vibeke Damlund, SDU Center for Teaching and Learning - SDU Universitetspædagogik -
17. til 21. december 2023Sted:
Forskningsstationen Svanninge Bjerge 25 kilometer syd for Odense
Tilmelding senest den 15. oktober 2023. Tilmelding sendes på mail til Jeanet Dal .
Ved tilmelding venligst venligst: navn, email, institut, universitet samt hvilket kursus, du tilmelder dig.Frist for projektbeskrivelse:
Senest den 15. oktober 2023, sendes til Catherine Brouwer
For mere information:
Kontakt venligst Kristian Mortensen (
Dette 5 dages boligseminar vil beskæftige sig med nyere emner inden for etnometodologi og samtaleanalyse. Blandt emnerne vil være CA's
etnometodologiske rødder, multimodal analyse, grammatik og kroppen, samlingsbaseret analyse, rum og mobilitet og anvendt samtaleanalyse. Deltagerne opfordres til at medbringe deres egne data til datasessioner og til at nominere emner til diskussion. Programmet vil bestå af forelæsninger, gruppediskussioner, opgaver og datasessioner. Meddelelse og yderligere information om kursusstedet vil blive sendt til de accepterede deltagere ( senest 1. november) .Udover den elektroniske tilmelding bedes du sende en beskrivelse af dit ph.d.-projekt med en beskrivelse af din dataindsamling. Beskrivelsen bør maks. være på 2 sider og kan indeholde en (kort) transskription og analytiske noter af et fænomen, du arbejder på i øjeblikket. Da dette kursus notorisk er overbooket, vil beskrivelsen af dit ph.d.-projekt spille en stor rolle for optagelsen af deltagere på kurset. Beskrivelsen sendes til Rineke Brouwer, ved tilmelding – sidste frist er den 1. oktober).
Kurset udbydes i samarbejde med Forskerskolen ved Syddansk Universitet (SDU) og ph.d.-uddannelsen for Sprog, Lingvistik, Kognition og Kommunikation ved Aarhus Universitet.
Blandt instruktørerne er Spencer Hazel (Newcastle University), Leelo Keevalik (Linköping Universitet). Elisabeth Muth Andersen, Catherine E. Brouwer, Søren W. Eskildsen, Kristian Mortensen, Gitte Rasmussen, Johannes Wagner (alle SDU), Jakob Steensig (Århus Universitet).
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Forskningsformidling: Medier, konferencer, eksperter
5. december 2o23
Kl. 09:00-15:00
Mødelokale, Comenius, SDU, Campus Odense
På mail til sekretær, Jeanet Dal på inden 28. november 2023
Ved tilmelding oplys venligst: Navn, mail, program, universitet samt hvilket kursus, du tilmelder dig.ECTS:
Dissemination of research
Medier, konferencer, eksperter
Kirstine Sinclair, Niels Bjerre Poulsen , Mikkel Gerken
The course will be held in English if one or more international students enroll. For English, see below.
Formidling er essentiel for alle forskere. Hvad enten det er til vore fagfæller i videnskabelige fora, til studerende, i medier et eller noget helt fjerde er formidlingen forbundet med nøje overvejelser om modtager og form. Dette endagskursus tager fat i nogle af de problemstillinger, som knytter sig til at formidle. I dagens tre moduler behandles den populære forskningsformidling, konferenceformidlingen for til sidst at gå bag om formidlingen og diskutere nogle af de kognitive bias, som er forbundet med forskningsformidling.
Jørn Brøndal fokuserer på udfordringerne ved at formidle forskning til offentligheden, det være sig gennem formidlende bøger, avis- og magasin-artikler, interviews med journalister fra den trykte presse, aktiviteter på de sociale medier, deltagelse i podcasts og optræden på radio og tv. Hvad er hele pointen med at formidle viden til offentligheden? Skal man følge et særligt regelsæt? Nyder vi som universitetsansatte fuld ytringsfrihed? Hvad er belønningen? Hvad er omkostningerne?
Kirstine Sinclairs oplæg handler om den del af forskningsformidlingen, der har at gøre med kollegial interaktion og præsentation af eget arbejde på konferencer, workshops, rundbordsdiskussioner, symposier og seminarer. Oplægget forklarer forskellen på de forskellige formater, hvad forberedelse indebærer, og giver bud på, hvordan man netværker. Der bliver lagt vægt på, hvordan man prioriterer sin tid for at sikre størst muligt udbytte af interaktionen med kolleger, nemlig: konstruktiv kritik af eget arbejde og projekt, nye ideer og udvidelse af den kollegiale kreds. Skal man for eksempel prioritere deltagelse i store internationale konference indenfor ens eget felt? Eller giver det mening at prøve forskellige formater og arrangementer for forskellige fagfællesskaber i flere lande? Og hvor meget tid skal man overhoveder bruge på den type aktiviteter?
I den sidste lektion vil Mikkel Gerken introducere noget af den relevante (mestendels empiriske) forskning i videnskabsskepticisme og vidensabskommunikation om polariserende emner. I særdeleshed vil vi diskutere nogle af de cognitive bias og misforståelser om videnskab, som kan blokere for lægpersoners accept af videnskabskommunikation. På baggrund heraf vil vi diskutere nogle af de centrale videnskabskommunikationsstrategier, som der er på markedet. Så selvom lektion er mere centreret omkring den teoretiske forskning og mindre med praktiske ”staldfif” om videnskabskommunikation vil vi have mulighed for at diskutere nogle af de dilemmaer, som man kan møde når man kommunikerer videnskab om polariserende emner.
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21 & 27 September 2023
University Library, Odense
2 (0.5 ECTS per module)
Number of students:
The course introduces PhD students from the humanities to basic concepts, principles, and norms concerning responsible conduct of research. By stimulating awareness, reflection, and discussion of academic integrity and good scientific conduct, the course supports PhD students in establishing responsible research practice, including conducting research in accordance with scholarly and societal rules, principles, and guidelines, as well as current practices at SDU.The course addresses scholarly, ethical, and legal aspects of the research process, including research planning; data management; key elements of scholar publishing, authoring and authorship.
Facilitating students’ reflections on methodological and ethical questions and requirements in their research, as well as their understanding of wider issues pertaining to research integrity, the course is designed to scaffold the academic socialization that takes place in the various research groups, research centres, departments, and PhD schools.
Course overviewThe course consists of the four modules:
- Module 1: Academia and Responsible Conduct of Research
- Module 2: Laws and regulations
- Module 3: Research data management
- Module 4: Publication, authorship, and peer reviewing
The form of the four modules varies:
- Module 1: Introductory lectures (6 hours; home assignment before and after the module)
- Module 2: Digital learning session (approx. 2 hours)
- Module 3: Digital learning session (approx. 2 hours)
- Module 4: Introductory lectures (6 hours; home assignment after the module)
For each module there is approximately three hours of preparation and/or follow-up.
All four modules must be completed.
The course is supported by SDU’s digital learning platform. Here, students will find readings and details on assignments. Students are enrolled in the digital course room 2 weeks before course start. Slides will generally be available after the teaching. The digital learning session in module 2 will be open after first course day.
All assignments must be uploaded one week after the last course day.
Active student participation in class is expected and will be encouraged.
Lone Bredahl Jensen (SDUB), Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen (HUM), Kirstin Remvig (SDUB), Lasse Kragh Sørensen (SDUB), & Sune Vork Steffensen (HUM)
English (Danish if only Danish speaking students participate)
To earn course credits, participants are required to attend all classes and must complete the home assignments of modules 1, 3 and 4, as well as complete the e-learning sessions in modules 2 and 3.
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