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Head of CESE is from SDU

On 1 October, Gitte Miller Balslev starts as head of the newly established Center of Excellence in Science Education (CESE), which will handle the research part of the investment in Science Academy NAFA, which runs into millions. The NAFA programme aims to promote motivating and rewarding science education in primary and lower secondary schools.

By Lisbet Foged, , 9/3/2021

At the same time, Gitte takes up a position as Associate Professor in Educational Innovation at SDU’s Centre for Research in Science Education and Communication (FNUG), which works on an interdisciplinary basis across faculties. Gitte will become part of the Centre for Research’s management.

The rest of the article can be read in Danish.

Photo by Gitte Miller Balslev: ©David Binzer
Photo by Connie Svabo: © Pia Enghild

About Gitte Miller Balslev

Gitte Miller Balslev will head the newly established Center of Excellence in Science Education (CESE). She has a special interest in understanding educational ecosystems in connection with the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

About Connie Svabo

Connie Svabo is Professor of STEM Education and Science Communication. She is head of Centre for Research in Science Education and Communication (FNUG) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Editing was completed: 03.09.2021